Batteries in one way or the other form, known in existence since 1800. But it was only in 1859, Gaston Plante has created a prototype lead acid, finally evolved into modern sealed lead-acid batteries. For the first 100 years after the creation of PLANTE, he served as the sole source of energy to the battery. During the 1920s popular electric cars were powered by lead acid units.
While the lead acid batteries were found to be inefficient, because the power/weight ratio was low, while only 0.03 kW/kg. Although the original lead acid units were considered not suitable for the environment because of the presence of lead, further investigation led to the development of sealed lead-acid batteries. It's better than glass bottles, tires, cans of beer and soft drink cans.
Construction of sealed lead-acid batteries
Currently they are used in many industries such as automobile engines, medical equipment, aviation, electronics, telecommunications, solar and garden equipment. These batteries are made from combinations of chemical ingredients which react with lead sheets that are placed inside a battery. The chemicals include lead, arsenic, sulfuric acid electrolyte, calcium oxide of lead, Tin and lead sulfate.
Other components sealed lead acid batteries are batteries which has a vent-security high integrity Terminal printing, positive and negative plates, inner plastic container, a separator, and holds the lead grid in metal can liners. These batteries are lead wires, which are basically turned out to be copper wire with insulation and are encoded with the red and black colors. Lead wires have their ends, dipped in wax, but before using the wax is removed.
Advantages of sealed lead-acid batteries
Advantages of using sealed them, especially if they have a base, lead tin chemicals are as follows:
* There is a larger power per unit weight of those batteries.
* The cycle life of these batteries range between 200 and 300.
* Waiting life sealed lead acid batteries may go up to 15 years.
* These batteries provide high stable voltage due to their low internal resistance. They also allow greater flexibility, because if there is a flat line in execution and recharge times very quickly.
* Temperature range in which you can operate these batteries is significant, ranging from-60 ° C to + 80 degrees Celsius. Similarly, the atmospheric pressure range for operations is vacuum in eight atmospheres.
* Added their quality, they are very tolerant, shock and vibration due to their rugged external design.
* These batteries, doubled, enabling both cans of beer; aluminum soft drink glass bottles, newspapers and tires, because almost all battery lead is recycled.
Latest development in iron production closed technology is rechargeable Li-ion, in which energy/weight ratio is almost 0.16 kW/kg. Electrolyte consists of lithium salt in an organic solvent. Although lithium salts, not very dangerous, if properly, they are difficult to recycle and their production is extremely carbon. Thus this method is not very favorable.
Significant changes have taken place in sealed lead-acid batteries, and they are now used in many industries. They are the environment, since almost the entire lead content may be disposed of.
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