If you are a pilot for any length of time-flight aviation headsets with or without-you may have already lost some of your hearing. You cannot reverse damage that has already happened, so you should take steps to protect what you have left.
Pilots experience damage noise for long periods of time is inevitable. Sound in flight is intense.
Firstly there are three aspects that define the cabin noise sound:
1. frequency response (Hz-Khz)
2. Intensity (dB-DB)
3. duration of the sound
This is how some typical environments, speed of sound intensity:
* Jet cabin-60-88 DB
* Small engine aircraft 70-90dB
* Single engine helicopter-80-102 DB
* Average Office-40-60 DB
* Major city street-80-100 DB
* Chain saw/mower-100-110 DB
* Rock-concert-115-120 DB
Here's the limits of sound and hearing ...
* Ear discomfort-120 DB
* Ear Pain-130 DB
* Eardrum ruptured-140 DB
* Temporary hearing-2-3 hours from noise, more than 90 DB
* Permanent hearing-8 or more hours a day at the sound, more than 90 dB at 2 or more years.
The worst thing is how loud noise affects your flight:
* Distraction and fatigue
* Hard to do what others are saying and it is difficult to understand them-in other words, you need to shout to be heard
* Reduction of personal productivity by reducing the concentration of
Here's what you can do about it…
Use hearing protection-here are your options:
1. Earplugs-polyurethane impregnated with wax are the best and block the most noise
2. aviation headphones-the cheapest just physically block the sound
3. the NATIONAL aviation headphones-these earphones block out the sound with the added dimension that physically noise cab with a mirrored volume, which cancels out the noise
4. combining earplugs with headsets-extreme step, this is only available to super-loud environments more than 115 DB
You cannot restore your hearing.
The moral of this story is to get aggressive with hearing protection during the flight. You spend up to $ 500 for flight in many aircraft, so what's the point of being on a headset?
Check your headset options today. Try several types and makes, to see what works best for you. Aviation headsets as clothing and footwear-what is coming, one person does not necessarily work for another.
Roger Brown helicopter and airplane pilot for 40 years. And it happens to be crazy about new gadgets. If you want to see a detailed comparison of elite aviation headsets aviation headsets test best.
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